11 Hatchlings Have Escaped A Crocodile Park In Broome

9 still on the run

28 April 2020

Ebony Reeves


Earlier this month, eleven crocodile hatchlings escaped the Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park in Broome, nine of which remain unaccounted for. 

Two of the baby crocs were discovered near Cable Beach; both were given a health check and returned to the park. 

Fencing upgrades have been ordered following the incident, and another seperate occasion when a slightly older croc - around 20cm long - escaped the park and was later found and returned.

Park owner Valerie Douglas told ABC News that she is installing new fencing along the park perimeter, explaining that some of it was damaged in a cyclone a couple of years ago. She assured that the escaped reptiles are not big enough to pose a risk to people or pets.

Allan and Michelle spoke about the incident on air this morning...