15 Signs You’re Actually A Cat Stuck In A Human Body

How do you like me-ow?

15 March 2019

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller


There are dog people, there are cat people, and then there are people who are the embodiment of cats stuck in human bodies…

Does this sound like something you find yourself wondering late at night, when you’re supposed to be falling asleep but all you can do is think of random scenarios and question whether you were born in the right life form?

Well, we’re here to help and have compiled a list of symptoms that might let you know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth… about who you really are. 

  1. You constantly want to nap… 
  1. You want attention… but on your terms
  1. Your mind is too awake at night to let you sleep
  1. You go from clingy to emotionally distant or mad in an instant 
  1. Everyone thinks you’re really sweet, but you’ve got a secret dark side…
  1. You are so over everyone’s bullsh$%
  1. People think you're a snob... but you're just very selective about who you hang out with
  1. You always want a snack and do NOT like to share


  1. You’re playful… but sometimes too playful and someone gets hurt… 
  1. You do really weird things… for no reason
  1. Change and social settings make you anxious… but you force a smile anyway 
  1. You’re easily scared
  1. You love to whinge… 
  1. You were born to be pampered
  1. You’re cute… but will fight… 


Were your suspicions correct…?

If so... you have our deepest condolences that you were born into the wrong body…

It looks like the only solution is to surround yourself with as many feline friends as you can (… or that your landlord will allow….)


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