$20 Million Shopping Centre Coming To Gordonvale

Better Start Saving

15 July 2021


A $20 million shopping centre in Gordonvale is now ready for construction.  

On Wednesday July 14, a traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony was held at the Draper Road site.

A celebration marking the partnership between the local Aboriginal community and the construction contractors, ADCO constructions.

New Woolworth Shopping Centre:

The shopping centre is planned to be the home of 5000 square metres, which means they will need all hands on deck during the constructing stages. 

Set to create 80 jobs during construction and 120 ongoing positions, the shopping centre will feature a giant Woolworths store and eight speciality stores. 

The shopping centre is hoping to attract customers all the way from Babinda, and appeal to those closer to Goldsborough and Mount Peter.

Cairns Council has invested a further $6 million to help develop the nearby roads, in particular the extension of Fisher Road and the Draper roundabout.

The Woolworths Gordonvale Shopping Centre is expected to be completed in the middle of 2022.

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