3 Ways You Can Be The Best Pet Parent

Kick it off with these tips!

12 September 2020

In Association With Petfocus Vetcare Lavington

There's nothing like having a pet, they're the best companion and they truly make life better. But, not everyone is fit for a pet, it's a huge responsibility.

If you want to be the best pet parent possible, then there are some important things you'll have to do to start off on the right track:

Regular exercise & play

Much like humans, exercise is super important for pets. Not only does it assist with their overall help and happiness, but exercising and play can really help stimulate their minds. There are some great toys you can play with and activities you can do with your pets to keep them active. They'll love you even more for it! 

Maintain their health & desexing 

Maintaining your pet's health includes getting regular checkups at the vet, keep an eye out for any abnormal changes and behaviour, and, of course, desexing. There are so many benefits to desexing your pets, both medical and behavioural.


  • It eliminates the risk of prostate or testicular cancer in males.
  • It removes the risk of infection within the reproductive tract in females.
  • The chances of contracting breast cancer are also greatly reduced.
  • Desexing has no impact on weight gain. Weight gain is from overfeeding and under-exercising.
  • Reducing accidental litters and adding to unwanted pets that end up in pounds and shelters every year.


  • Reduces fighting and aggression in male dogs.
  • Reduces cat bite abscesses. In-season females can upset the males in the neighbourhood for up to three weeks twice a year which encourages male roaming.
  • Improves willingness to be a loving and friendly family pet. This is one of the most rewarding benefits of desexing your pet. They are not sexually frustrated and will be a more well-rounded family pet, especially with younger kids. 
  • Dogs particularly, can grow into large powerful males and are often easier to control after desexing.
  • Desexing improves obedience in dogs, as they will associate much more with you their owner, rather than other dogs. 

Petfocus Vetcare in Lavington recommends that large to giant breed dogs that are male wait till they are fully grown as long as behaviour allows. Current research shows that this minimises the chance of knee injury in these breeds.

Many unwanted behaviours such as marking territory and aggressive tendencies can be lessened or even eliminated after desexing. 

Give them the best love & care

Having a pet isn't a walk in the park and you need to make sure you're ready and able to look after one. Not only do you want to give them copious amounts of affection, but caring for them can be as simple as making sure they're eating the right food and getting the right nutrition, grooming them regularly, making sure they're safe and unable to escape, understanding their needs and any signs of stress and more. They're part of the family and they deserve as much love and care as anyone else!

To book in with Petfocus Vetcare, you can contact them via heading to their website here

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