6 Summer Hacks That Will Make It So Easy To Host A Party

You can do it!

12 December 2019

The silly season is here, which means you've probably got plans to attend end of year gatherings, a New Year's Eve party and a never ending stream of summer BBQs.

But what happens if you're the one hosting?

We've got the solution! Use these summer party hacks to make hosting an absolute breeze this summer.

Tell Your Guests To Bring A Plate Of Food 

Getting the house clean enough to allow guests over is a big enough challenge - so you probably don't have enough time to actually cook a banquet too!

Instead, ask every guest to bring a plate to share. This way they'll also cater for any dietary requirements that they might have. Make sure that you still provide the basics like chips and dips, and ensure you've got enough plates and glasses for everyone to use. 

Get Your Guests To Make The Playlist

Some of us absolutely love making the perfect playlist for any situation. But for those of us who don't consider themselves amateur DJs, then you need to think ahead. 

Ask your friends to each write down five songs when they arrive, and then add them to a Spotify playlist. Set it to shuffle and sit back and enjoy.

This also reduces the risk of people trying to change the song every 10 seconds!

Plan Some Games And Activities 

Have a few activities up your sleeve in case people aren't mingling the way you'd like them to.

OK you might think organised fun isn't, well, fun. BUT when you go to a party and someone whips out their old Nintendo 64 for a few rounds of Mario Kart, everybody suddenly wants to get involved.

Other old school games people might enjoy are Jenga, Twister or an outdoor throwing game like Finska

Create A Hashtag For Your Party 

Every group has a few people who are excellent at taking photos and uploading them to social media. If you're around a new group of friends, chances are you'll never find these photos again. 

Avoid this by making a hashtag for your party, and telling your friends to use it. This will make it so much easier to find the photos the next day! 

Make Your Bins Work For You

There's always going to be mess at a party. Make sure everyone knows where the bins are located, and encourage them to use them.

To make things easier on yourself, line your bins with 3 or 4 bin bags so that when one is full, you can pull it out and have more ready to be filled!

If people are drinking out of bottles and cans, ensure that the recycling bin is clearly marked so they can stay environmental! 

Get Creative With The Drinks Storage

If your guests are bringing their own drinks, you'll probably run out of space in the fridge very quickly. The solution is to find as many extra places in your home that you can fill with ice so they can keep their drinks cool. Do you have a bath? Fill it with ice. Laundry sink? Fill it with ice? Top loader washing machine? FILL IT WITH ICE (and turn it off). You can get bags of ice from the petrol station or local supermarket.

Have a good party!

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