ALERT: You’re NOT Supposed To Cut A Cake In Triangles

Life is a lie.

24 June 2017

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

Image Credit: Instagram@ Katherine Sabbath. 

We wish birthday cake was an everyday food, and that our birthday was everyday, but we can’t always get what we wished for. 

Luckily, we’ve come around to be able to cope with these facts, but we just learned something that is shocking our systems… 

You’re NOT supposed to cut cake into triangles. 



Sorry, what?!

Is life even real anymore?

We all are familiar with the common ritual of cutting our cakes into triangle pieces like they do at bakeries and cafes, but it’s not the best or most efficient way to be cutting it!


Aussie baker Katherine Sabbath, who is a serious cake making magician, shared with that the best way to be cutting our round cakes is to cut along the length of the cake, and to then slice it into smaller, one-inch segments. 

Flipping the piece on to a chopping board makes this process a LOT easier, too. 

By using this technique, you’ll save a lot of cake and will be able to serve a lot more people!

Unless you want the whole cake to yourself… 

Let’s just take a minute to appreciate Katherine’s creations… 

Of course, you can cut your cake into whatever shape and tiny pieces you want. 

Don’t let people take that freedom away from you...

It’s your cake, gosh darnit.