All The Steps To Take When Returning Home After The Townsville Floods

Here's the info

5 February 2019

Image credit: Instagram @scottmorrisonmp

There's been thousands of insurance claims made Townsville locals already, with losses at $45million as of Tuesday afternoon.

Some locals have started to survey the damage to their properties as they begin to return home.

Insurance Council of Australia expect to see the number of claims increase over the next few days as even more people return home. 

They have put out a list of what we should be doing after a flood.

  • Return to your property when emergency services declare it safe to do so
  • Only enter your property when you are certain you are not at risk
  • If water has entered the property, don't turn on your electricity until it has been inspected by an electrician
  • Be aware that snakes and other wildlife are displaced during extreme weather events such as flood, and often take refuge in homes
  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to check what your policy includes or excludes, and seek guidance on the claims process
  • You can start cleaning up but first, take photos or videos of damage to the property and possessions as evidence for your claim
  • Keep samples of materials and fabrics to show the assessor
  • Remove and discard any water or mud-damaged goods that pose a health risk, such as saturated carpets and soft furnishings
  • Make a list of each item and include a detailed description, such as brand, model and serial number
  • Store damaged or destroyed items somewhere safe
  • Speak to your insurer before you attempt or authorise any building work, including emergency repairs, and ask for the insurer’s permission in writing. Unauthorised work may not be covered by your policy
  • Do not throw away goods that could be salvaged or repaired

Image credit: Instagram @scottmorrisonmp