Anger Stigma Is Something That New Mums Should Be Aware Of

It's really important.

23 December 2019

Mums, if you're feeling angry you are not alone - and there are ways to work through it that can be really helpful. 

Clinical psychologist and founder of Spilt Milk Psychology, Amanda Donnet has spoken out on Amelia Philips latest PodcastOne Australia series, ‘Healthy Her’ recognising that anger is one of the most common emotions she sees in mums at her practice, yet due to the stigma, it is one of those that is usually underreported.

Amanda, who has three children, and Amelia, who has four, go on to discuss what techniques Mums can use at home to combat ‘Mummy Rage’, from tips on how to apologise properly to how to talk to yourself in moments of stress.

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