Apparently Sleeping In A Cold Room Is Better For Your Health

Do you agree?

21 November 2019

It’s time to settle all those debates about bedroom temperature.  

Apparently sleeping in a cool to cold room is better for your health than sleeping in a hot room!

According to Dr Christopher Winter, author of The Sleep Solution, the ideal room temperature for a restful sleep is 15 – 19 degrees celsius. This is because having a slightly cooler body temperature can lead to a deeper sleep. A colder room will help you reach a more comfortable body temperature.

However there’s no need to build yourself an ice cave. Temperatures below 12 degrees can be disruptive to your sleep – and so can temperatures above 24. Rooms that are too hot or too cold will have you tossing and turning all night, leading to a less than restful sleep.

Let there be no more fights about bedroom temperatures ever again!

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