Aussie Survivor Fans Are Livid About THAT Moment At Last Night's Tribal Council

Spoiler Alert!

16 August 2021

Australian Survivor fans are fuming after an unexpected moment at tribal council revealed a rule change we'd never heard of before.

Please note: this moment was only to do with the game of Survivor and if you don't watch Survivor you might not care. However there are many of us who do care. 

Kez, who had found an idol earlier in the episode, was blindsided and voted out in the first post-merge tribal council. Her exit was orchestrated via a series of brilliant moves by the former Brains tribe, in particular George and Hayley. 

Many people have been voted out with idols in the past, including Simon who was voted out with two idols in his pocket literally one episode earlier. An unplayed idol was always considered a dead idol, and blindsided players would simply take it home as a souvenir. Meanwhile, the producers would immediately hide another idol back at camp to replace the one that had gone unused. 

So viewers were extremely confused when Kez handed her unplayed idol to Flick as she was saying her final goodbyes. 

Twitter immediately lit up with comments from people wondering what on earth was going on, since we have never seen a post-vote idol handover before. 


People had a lot of different theories about the way this idol could play out, with most fans suspecting Flick would try to play it and be shut down since it was a dead idol. 


However, two-time Survivor player Nick took to Twitter to explain that the rules were changed before All Stars, and that you are now allowed to pass on an idol before your torch is snuffed. 

So the idol is able to be used normally at future tribal councils, and we've just never seen a player try to do it before which is why Survivor fans were so shocked.

It seems this rule only applies to Australian Survivor and South African Survivor, and it remains to be seen whether US Survivor will follow the same path. 

It also raises the question of why Simon didn't hand over either of his idols - but since it was pretty clear his alliance had turned against him, maybe he just really didn't want to!

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