BE STILL MY LEGO HEART: Two LEGO Masters Contestants Have Fallen In Love

How cute!

14 May 2019

Channel Nine

When you’re on a TV show with several people who share your same interest, you’re bound to make life-long friendships… but in this instance, new love!

Miller, who is teamed up with Jordan, has fallen head over… bricks for Kaitlyn, who joined the comp with Marielle.

Host Hamish Blake told Fox FM’s Fifi, Fev & Byron show how he found out the pair were dating during the grand final build, which was filmed five months ago.

At one stage I’m just doing my thing… and [Miller] goes, ‘hey, hey, Ham, come over,’ and he put his hand on his mic… ‘just so you know, I’m dating Kaitlyn.

I said ‘hey Miller, the ‘hand over mic’ doesn’t work’”.

Hamish also hinted that there will be a few cheeky glances between the pair on the last episode, so we’ll need to watch out for those!

Miller was walking on air when [the romance] was happening,” Hamish said. SO CUTE!!!

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