Beth Sesh: 10 Ways to Sneak Some Extra Exercise Into Your Life

Without Going Near a Gym

20 February 2020

We are two months into the year now and it’s safe to say that a lot of us have probably not stuck to our fitness-related New Year resolutions. Get up for the gym early each morning? Train for a half marathon? Become one of those fit f45 people? That’s all great and as an exercise-enthusiast I am all for these changes but unfortunately with our busy and tiring lives sometimes it just doesn’t happen. That’s when ‘incidental exercise’ becomes particularly important. What is incidental exercise you may ask? It’s the art of sneaking extra exercise into your life without having to go near a gym or take much time out of your day. Every little bit counts so start thinking outside the box and utilising some of these tips.

1) Parking further away. Doing a food shop? Parking your car at work for the day? Instead of choosing the closest car park choose the one furthest away.

2) Carrying groceries instead of using a trolley. Let your groceries be your version of dumbbells.

3) Doing squats/lunges while waiting for the kettle to boil or coffee to brew in a morning.

4) Getting amongst the dance floor at the club. Don’t hate yourself for going out on a Saturday, just promise yourself that you’ll work up at least 30 minutes of sweat on the dance floor.

5) Get a ‘fun’ buddy. You know what I’m trying to say here. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

6) Hold a squat against the wall while brushing your teeth. This exercise is painful but effective.

7) Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Extra bonus, it’s also good for the environment.

8) Swap out your desk chair for a stability ball. We all dream of hard rock abs. These will get us a step closer to making that dream come true.

9) Walking meetings. Instead of sitting in a board room, suggest to your boss that your team does a walk around the block while discussing the week’s initiatives. It will give energy to your brain, help with creativity and leave everyone feeling better about themselves.

10) Utilise television ads. Hello, multi-tasking. Imagine if you did a different exercise during every ad for the entire 2020 season of MAFS? Lunges, tricep curls, push-ups, sit-ups… There are so many exercises to choose from. See, no reason to feel guilty about trash TV.

Body movement is good for our souls, minds and additionally our physiques. Let’s make 2020 the best year yet! Let me know if there are any other ways you are sneaking some extra exercise into your life.

- Beth xx