Big Brother Grand Finalist Taras Reveals He Actually Didn't Want To Go To "The Dark Side" At All!

Did we get him wrong?

12 July 2022

Today on Hit Entertainment's The Eviction Room podcast, we were joined by Big Brother 2022 Grand Finalist Taras!

Known as the "Challenge Beast" and having pulled some epic blindsides, we wanted to know about his gameplay after ruffling feathers in the house.

But, what we were surprised to learn was Taras didn't want to go to the "dark side" at all - so did we get him wrong this whole time?!

Don't miss the Big Brother finale tonight on Channel 7 at 7:30pm! 

Here's what Taras had to say about not having a choice but to go to "the dark side":

Want more Big Brother goss? Check out all of our chats here:

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