Blake Lively Had A Sunscreen Mishap We Can ALL Relate To

Yep, been here.

11 June 2017

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

You know those times when you’re slapping on your sunscreen during those summer days and don’t have a mirror handy? Or a friend who won’t try to embarrass you?

Well, Blake Lively obviously had one of those days. 

Blake recently took to Instagram to share a snap of herself and it was only when she saw the pic later that she realised she’d had an all-too-familiar mishap with her sunscreen. 

She captioned the pic, “Life can be so sweet… even when your face is covered in clumpy sunscreen and you have no idea but are still feelin good.”

We’ve all had a moment or two where we don’t realise we haven’t rubbed in sunscreen properly until after we’ve met a bunch of people… who just stared at us weirdly. 

This just goes to prove that you can still feel hot AF and on top of the world no matter what.