Brace Yourselves... Doughnut Time Pacific Fair Is Coming!

You DOUGHNUT want to miss this!

5 March 2020

Georgie Marr

Fourteen Ten

If you have plans to start your diet this weekend, you should probably reschedule because Doughnut Time will be launching their Pacific Fair store this Saturday and our mouths are watering just thinking about it!

To make sure you're working hard for your treaties, the launch will feature a Doughnut Time scavenger hunt and design opportunities for the kiddies to create their own edible artwork.

If you're more of a Doughnut and chill type of person, fear not, there will be plenty of delicious doughnuts ready to take home for a full night of Netflix and treaties.

As if that's not enough to inspire a cheat day, there will be hundreds of FREE doughnuts on offer... Yes, we said FREE...

But wait, there's more!!

One lucky Doughnut fanatic will walk away with an entire year's worth of doughnuts!! Doughnut Time will be open and ready for business Saturday and Sunday from 9AM, so make sure you make time to pop into Pacific Fair this weekend to grab yourself a dessert, because there's ALWAYS time for Doughnut time!!

See you there!

If you missed the chat this morning, tune into the podcast below...