Calls For Changes To The Health Star System To Include Added Sugar

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25 June 2019

It could soon be a bit easier to identify products with added sugar when you’re grocery shopping  - under new changes to the Health Star system proposed by Choice. 

Erin Turner, a Choice spokesperson, says while the current system is good – it could be better.

“Right now the health star rating system does consider sugars, but it considers all sugars together.  It doesn’t distinguish between the good for us, naturally occurring sugars in dairy in fruits, but it doesn’t then give a penalty to added sugars – things that are thrown into cereals and muesli bars.”

She says the changes would make it a lot easier for shoppers making quick decisions in the grocery store.

The changes could see some popular items lose a significant rating – for example Nutri-grain would call from four to one and a half stars, as would Milo cereal.

“It’s so important that we get a front of pack system that works well for shoppers -right now it’s good but it doesn’t’ tell us all the information we need to know, we need to make it better,” she said.