Connie Confirms Her Relationship With Jonethen Ends At Tonight's Dinner Party

Connie throws in the towel

17 March 2020

Ebony Reeves

This morning Josiah & Herbie caught up with Married At First Sight participant Connie following an awkward home visit with her "husband" Jonethen in last night's episode. 

Connie confirmed that tonight we'll see the dramatic end to their relationship, claiming that, "[Jonethen] really stops sugar-coating and just tells me how it is and how he feels about me". 

"After what happened to me at the commitment ceremony on Sunday, those rose-coloured glasses definitely came off and I was a bit like, alright, why are we still here?"

She also shared how hurtful it was that her fellow MAFS participants ditched her birthday celebrations to appear at a club over the weekend, and commented on who she expected the behaviour from as well as who shocked her.

"They unfortunately couldn't sacrifice one hour of their night to celebrate their friend's birthday because they're too busy lapping up the D-grade celebrity life."

Hear what Connie had to say in the catch up below...