Connie Reveals The Cut MAFS Episode That Could've Changed Everything

It all makes sense now...

6 April 2020

Ebony Reeves

Last night, we watched our Married At First Sight couples reach the end of the experiment and look back on their individual journeys on the show.

From broken vows and cheating scandals to self-discovery and declarations of love, we've seen it all this season, but apparently there was even more drama that didn't make it to air. 

Connie described the partner-swapping episode that was excluded from final cuts, which might just explain the reason behind Michael and KC's relationship outside of the experiment. Hear what Connie had to say in the catch up below... 

Connie also reacted to opinions that her final vows were "cringe", claiming:

"I was actually really happy with it. I'd never spoken that highly about myself ever... I was really proud of myself."

Connie also revealed where her relationship with Jonethen is now that the show's wrapped up, sharing that their friendship isn't where it seemed to be in last night's reunion due to a certain birthday scandal, and we're honestly heartbroken. 

Here's what happened... 

Relive all the MAFS drama below!