Could Australian Ninja Warrior, Celeste Dixon, Be Heading To 'The Block'?

Celeste DOES love her DIY

14 July 2019

Mid North Coast Newsroom

Celeste Dixon, aka the Aerial Ninja

Australian Ninja Warrior is heading towards semi finals, and there's one superstar that has well and truly cemented herself as Australia's favourite contestant.

Celeste Dixon, the aerial ninja, has taken part in all 3 series of the show, and has been working even harder this year to turn up the heat on the course and competition.

The ex-aerial gymnast spoke about how much she loves her new role as an ambassador to South Australian youth, as part of the Premier's 'Be Active' challenge, and also lauded her mother and partner for their support. 

"He has been such a massive support, but, I do also have to give props to my Mum and my partner. They've both been there every single year, and it's like they're forgotten, but my Dad, he's seriously so loud and he's so lovely." She said.

Celeste also mentioned made a point how far apart the obstacles REALLY are and whether or not her love of DIY will lead to a spot on 'The Block'.

To hear the whole chat, listen below!