Could You Be The Next Victim Of Theft? Here’s The Four Crime Prevention Tips You Should Be Following in Greater Shepparton

Victoria police share scary crime stats

20 December 2019

In Association With Victoria Police

Becoming a victim of theft, whether it’s from your car or home, is an alarming thought. 

The time and cost it takes as a result is also a bugbear no one should have to endure. 

According to statistics, locals in the Greater Shepparton area have had to learn this lesson the hard way, revealing approximately 69% of theft from vehicles in the region involve no sign of forced entry. 

That’s why “Don’t Give Crime a Key”, a new Community Safety Network (CSN) initiative launched by Victoria Police and other community partners in Shepparton, is working hard to educate the public on simple ways to avoid being targeted.

The reality of car theft in Greater Shepparton 

Shepparton Inspector Troy Hargadon says that although theft and burglary have in fact decreased year on year and cars are getting smarter, that doesn’t mean we’re getting less vulnerable. 

“Don’t Give Crime a Key” is one of many Community Safety Network initiatives running in Shepparton as part of a two year project,” Inspector Hargadon said. 

“We are working every day to keep the community safe, but crime prevention is actually everyone’s responsibility. 

“Every day, there are simple things each of us can do to prevent crime and keep our property safe. Thefts can occur at any time, so it’s important not to present easy opportunities for thieves,” he adds. 

How to avoid becoming a victim of theft 

Theft from motor vehicle is still largely a ripe opportunity for crime. It’s often due to valuable items being left in plain sight or doors and windows being left unlocked. 

Here are the top four crime prevention tips, so you don’t fall victim:

1) Make a conscious decision to lock all car doors and close all windows before leaving your vehicle. Always physically check it is locked, even when parking at home or just leaving your car for a moment, no matter how safe you think your community is.

2) Park in a well-lit and secure are

3) Remove all valuable items when you leave your car

4) Secure your keys in safe place and never leave them in your car

Why you shouldn't give crime a key

This crime prevention campaign - supported through increased public messaging - is one of several CSN initiatives to empower people to take the right steps to stop theft.

The police are ramping up their support too, but urge that ‘it is everyone’s responsibility’. 

A campaign with a stern message to not ‘Give crime a key’, so those in the Greater Shepparton area don’t become another disturbing statistic. 

Click here for more information about how you can increase community safety in your neighbourhood.

This initiative is part of the Community Safety Networks Project.