Council Is Preparing For The Summer Floral Displays Throughout Leeton Shire

You grow girl!

12 October 2018

Driving around Leeton Shire, you may have noticed that Council has begun removing the winter floral displays around town, despite the fact that they still appear to be in full bloom! 

The timing of preparing the beds and planting the new summer plantings is critical to ensuring the new plants establish successfully ahead of the coming hot weather.

- Leeton Shire Council

The planting is a biannual project that occurs in October and March each year to ensure the flowers' durability isn't too impacted by the changing seasons. 

It may seem disappointing to see the beautiful winter flowers removed now but it will be even more disappointing if the summer blooms failed because Council left its planting run too late.

- Manager Open Space and Recreation, Josh Clyne

You can expect to see the new displays in full bloom within the next 4-6 weeks in time for Remembrance Day celebrations and the holiday season.