Council Will Educate Residents On Correct Recycling Through New Collection Fleet Art

Following National Recycling Week

19 November 2018

Rockhampton Morning Bulletin

National Recycling Week (12th Nov - 18th Nov) is done and dusted, and we're all feeling motivated to keep up our recycling efforts until it comes around again next year!

To keep the ball rolling, Council will be driving recycling messages home with a new collection fleet.

Chair of Council’s Waste Committee, Councillor Neil Fisher, announced that a number of brand new kerbside collection trucks will be hitting the streets soon, complete with large promotional artwork on how to recycle correctly.

We know that if we can educate people more, we will get better outcomes with our recycling and that’s why these trucks are so important – they’re a rolling billboard for how to do the right thing.

- Neil Fisher

Cr Fisher also gave some tips on avoiding contamination when recycling, as often recycling becomes unusable at the processing point due to incorrect processes. These included emptying containers of liquid before recycling, removing plastic attached to glass bottles (like coffee jars), and not placing recycling in plastic bags.

Check out Council's website for more tips and recycling information.