Councillor Murray King Pushing For House Boats On The Hume

Ditch the suburbs!

9 December 2019

Samantha Baldry

Your dream of ditching the suburban streets could become a reality, with council discussing tonight the allowance of house boats on Lake Hume!

Tim and Jess chatted with Councillor Murray King this morning about his vision for the local tourist spot and the motion he'll put forward tonight.  

Lake Hume is seven times the size of Sydney Harbour, which has up to 10,000 boats moored there at any one time, meaning there is plenty of room for a few more boats in Albury. 

The allowance of house boats on the Hume would boost tourism and business for local traders, and give families another spot to gather on the weekends. 

Tim even suggests a Hit house boat party if the motion is passed, with Councillor Murray as the host! Who's keen? 

Missed the show? Catch up on Tim & Jess here: