Dear Darla, The Little Rascals Is Coming To Netflix!

What a movie!

22 April 2020

Chances are you're sitting at home trying to figure out what to watch on TV next and if you're up for some super sweet nostalgia, brace yourself... The Little Rascals film is coming to Netflix!

The movie follows the story of mischievous youngsters Spanky (Travis Tedford) and Buckwheat (Ross Elliot Bagley) who lead an anti-girl organization, they pick their buddy Alfalfa (Bug Hall) to represent them in an all-important soapbox car rally.

When the boys then find their driver canoodling with schoolmate Darla (Brittany Ashton Holmes), they decide they must break up the couple. Unfortunately, while Spanky and his pals are busy meddling in Alfalfa's affairs, their prized race car is nabbed by two young toughs.

Twenty years after the film arrived in cinemas in 1994, the cast came back together and check out how they've changed!

You can catch 'The Little Rascals' on Netflix on May 22.

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