Ellie Angel: “Props To Lena Dunham.”

"She has posted a true reality."

14 December 2016

Props to Lena Dunham.

She has posted on her Instagram story this morning a true reality. Screw the photoshopping. It’s raw and real and I’m giving her a bloody big high five.

Lena has openly discussed she suffers from endometriosis. That’s what these scars are from. It’s a condition that affects one in 10 women, creates extreme pain and can lead to infertility. In doc speak - endometriosis is present when the tissue that is normally present in the lining of the uterus occurs outside this layer and causes pain and/or infertility. 

There is no cure. 

In normal speak – it hurts like a MOFO. I know, I’ve got stage 4 of the disease. In fact I’m sitting here at my desk with pains in my guts so bad I’ve been running to the bathroom and throwing up this morning. It’s like someone is hitting me over and over with a sledge hammer. To date, I’ve had 5 surgical procedures due to this illness. I’ve got the scars to prove it!

Lena, you are a legend and anyone who has endo will agree. You give Endo Sisters confidence that, despite our scars, we should not let these special cuts stop us from showing off our bodies. 

Ladies, period pain is not normal. If you are suffering from bad pain during that time of the month, see your doctor. If you would like to know more information about Endometriosis please visit this website.

Ellie Angel is 2DayFM's afternoons announcer. You can contact her here.