Fall Asleep In 90 Seconds With This Simple Sleep Tip


19 November 2020

There’s nothing worse than laying bed, staring at the ceiling, desperately willing yourself to get to sleep but the more you try – the more awake you are.

You've got to try this simple and easy trick – which users say is almost guaranteed to get you to sleep in a snap.

The “4-7-8” breathing trick, also known as the “relaxing breath” is said to have a chemical-like effect on our brains, slowing your heartrate and soothing you right to sleep. 

How do you do it? Simple.

Breathe in through your nose for four seconds.

Hold your breath for seven seconds.

Then breathe out for eight seconds.

Simply repeat the pattern until you’re asleep – most people report it doesn’t take long. 

“It washes over you like a calming, relaxing drug. I can never remember getting past the first set of 4-7-8,” Alina Gonzalez revealed on Brydie.com.

"I've been doing this for the past 3 nights (I usually have terrible insomnia) and it honestly works!,” Alex Taylor revealed on Facebook.

So what are you waiting for? Give it a try! 

Have you noticed what side of the bed you sleep on? It says a lot about you:

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