Famous Optical Illusion Comes To Life In New ‘Rabbit Or Raven’ Video 

What did you see?

21 August 2019

Dan Quitana

You know this optical illusion that has been popping up in books, newspapers and newsfeeds since 1892 showing an image of what could be seen as both a rabbit or duck:

Yeah well now that illusion has come to LIFE in the internet’s latest viral video.

Uploaded to Twitter by scientist Dan Quitana, the video shows either a rabbit or a raven enjoying a very relaxing massage:


We’ll let you watch it a few more times before revealing the answer…

Okay so, despite Quitana captioning the video “Rabbits love getting stroked on their nose,” the video is actually of a bird!

“The animal is a bird,” he later revealed.

“As you can see a translucent nictitating membrane when it blinks, which sweeps across the eye horizontally.

“When it comes to the actual species of bird, I'm pretty confident that it is a White-necked raven.”

We think this picture pretty much sums it all up:

Which animal did you see first, a rabbit or a raven?

Let us know in our Facebook comments!