Fat Burgs: "Big, Manky Disgusting Things And We Need To Do Better"

Kymba lets fly!

2 July 2021


ABC Perth

Much of Perth was undoubtedly horrified yesterday to see the image of a gigantic fat burg being pulled out of a pipe here in our pretty little city.

A. Fat. Burg. Let's just sit on that for a moment (not literally).

This morning, Kymba and Pete broke it down (again, not literally).

"The only things you should be flushing here is poo, wee and toilet paper. Nothing else,

"They even found a bed sheet. Part of me wants to give you an award for how you got a bed sheet down the toilet but it's a no-go zone."

As Pete suggests: "I'm not even mad, that's amazing!"


ABC Perth ran the image yesterday and 1000 or so comments later, let's hope the message gets through.

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