Federal Government launches national Fruit Fly Management Strategy

Nationals make election promise

20 November 2018

The Federal Government is investing more in high tech solutions to Queensland Fruit Fly management, with the announcement of a new $16.9 million program to roll out smart trap trials across the country.

The scheme includes a national approach to management and regulation of the fruit fly, the program working with states to improve fruit fly management, research and development.

The traps are capable of detecting the presence of fruit fly by the way they move, and sending an instant alert to a grower’s mobile phone; which allows for earlier intervention.

Mapping is also being rolled out to help track movements of the pest over Summer; telling growers where they are and helping authorities to determine where best to release sterile fruit flies to drive down populations.

Nationals Member for Mildura Peter Crisp has applauded the newly announced national fruit fly control program.

Mr Crisp has declared that an elected Liberals Nationals Government will commit Victoria's share to the program.

The party have committed $1.85 million, if they're successful at the polls.

The State Election comes to a head on the 24th of November.

To find out more about the pest and it's impacts, click the link below!