Fifi Box Questions Why Nasser Never Had A Sleepover In 50 Years

She was so confused.

27 July 2018

Channel Nine

While fans of the TV hit Married At First Sight were busy tweeting about Dean and Tracey’s messy relationship, you may have missed Nasser’s revelation about sleepovers.

If you missed it, this is what the star said on the show:

“I’m way out of my comfort zone… I’ve never spent a day sleeping over at someone’s house. So this for me is crazy.” 

On Fifi, Fev & Byron, Fifi Box expressed her confusion on why a grown man has never had a sleepover, even when he was a kid. 

“In dating, at some stage, you’re going to be staying at someone’s house. Even with mates,” Box said.

Box also told of her fears of sleepovers when she was younger, but as an adult she has enjoyed them… which gave co-hosts Brendan Fevola and Byron Cooke a bit of a chuckle. 

Listen to the chat below: