Five Ways To Show Your Partner How Much You Love Them

AFTER Valentine's Day!

18 February 2019

Team 107

Image: Dr. Lurve Instagram

Couples who exhibit kindness and generosity toward each other often have better chances at long-term success and happiness than those that don’t. 

So, in order to have a fulfilling, happy relationship we need to make these exhibitions of love often. We need to find ways to let our partner know that we love and appreciate them. 

Here are our resident love expert, Dr. Lurve’s, top 5 tips to help you get started: 

1. Leave sticky notes of love around the house in hidden places such as on a toothbrush, inside of a suitcase before they travel, in their lunch box or on the dashboard of the car.

2. Take five minutes out of your day to tell your partner all of the things you love and appreciate about them. From their smile, to the way they pack your lunch, the taking out of the garbage and the way they make your cup of tea. 

3. Be extra attentive to your partner’s needs. See how you can make your partner's day easier today - could you pick something up, drop off the dry cleaning? If you’re not sure, ask your partner how you can make their day easier.

4. You both might be having a busy day, but a quick check in and a kind and loving email or text to your partner could be just what they need to hear today. Let them know you have been thinking about them!

5. Surprise your partner with their favourite treat. Swing by and grab their favourite doughnut or coffee on your way home. Or you could pop into the office and unexpectedly drop off morning tea!

Little things like this will not only improve your relationship, but also create more happiness. It brings you together in small ways often, giving you more confidence in your relationship to last the distance! 

Dr. Lurve will be kicking off the first leg of her Australian Signature Series Tour as apart of ‘The Lurve Lab' on March 31st! 

Find our more information about the event HERE

Listen to Dr. Lurve on Bec & Cosi below: