Forget “Click N Collect”….. Shop local & support local businesses that employ locals.

Mt Gambier is on sale

28 November 2018

Why shop locally?


Supporting locally owned businesses across the Limestone Coast means you’re not only supporting our local economy and employing local people, you are also directly supporting our local sporting clubs, community groups, schools, charities and other groups throughout the limestone coast. Shopping locally has major economic benefits local communities. If you Spend $100 at a local business, on average more than 58% of the money spent stays in our community.


In Australia, small businesses (businesses with less than 20 employees) provide 46% of the total employment in the private sector industry, more than medium sized businesses and corporations.


Shopping locally Builds Communities! Strengthens the Limestone Coast economy, shapes the character of our region, enhances choice,  Local Business Owners Invest In our Community’s,

it creates Jobs and opportunities for everyone in the region, gives you the chance to give back to our community, you can buy it where you try it, shares the wealth within the Limestone Coast


So Shop Local, Eat Local and Support Local


Mt Gambier is on sale for 3 big days. Thursday November 29 to Saturday December the 1st 


Shop local this Christmas with the Limestone Coasts HIT FM