GLOW: Light Up The Night At HOTA

Light festival returns to Gold Coast

9 August 2018

The new Home Of The Arts at Bundall will come alive tonight, with a festival of lights for the whole family to enjoy!

GLOW returns to the Gold Coast bigger and better than ever, this time spanning over three nights.

The festival runs from 5-9pm on Thursday August 9 to Saturday August 11, and includes light shows, aerial performances, music and food trucks.

HOTA CEO Criena Gehrke said they have a number of big attractions to check out.

"Dream Engine from the UK are presenting their incredible work Heliosphere, which is this huge, inflatable, helium-filled balloon with a performer that floats across the crowd," she said.

They will also pull the roof over the main outdoor stage for a laser show.

"Many people have probably come to visit us and seen Neil Finn, Tim Minchin and the Queensland Symphony playing in that stage but you can actually close it down and we're creating this amazing installation in there."

There may also be a special appearance from the inflatable white whale that wowed crowds at GC2018 opening ceremony.

People heading along are being invited to dress for the event in their brightest clothes, neon face paint and glow sticks!