Grattan Institute Suggests Million Dollar Lottery For Vaccinated Aussies

Money money money

27 July 2021

Hit News Team

The Grattan Institute is pushing for vaccine incentives to drive up our Covid vaccination rates.

The Institute has suggested offering a million-dollar prize each week over 10 weeks.

Director of health Stephen Duckett says it could definitely speed things up.

“They don’t have to do anything, except do what they should be doing anyway, namely getting vaccinated, and so some people might be hesitant and saying ‘well I look I don't need to do it right now.’ Well if you’re vaccinated by say the second of November you’ve got a chance at a million dollars, it might help speed things up a lot.”

The Institute has proposed rolling this out from Melbourne Cup Day and giving away these ten prizes over 10 weeks.

They’ve noted that the total prize pool of $10 million, would be cheaper than sending the country into lockdown.

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