An epic festival is coming to the Gold Coast

From the team behind Grass is Greener

20 January 2020

The team behind Grass is Greener recently announced they're bringing another festival to the Gold Coast in 2020. 

It's called "Greener Pastures" and the line up is low-key epic! PLUS it's happening at Doug Jennings Park at The Spit (anyone else having flash backs to Summerfield Days 2013?) 

And to top it all off, Greener Pastures is gracing us with it's presence on Sunday May 3rd, which is the long weekend! Talk about a good time. 

Here's the full line up:

Sign up as a VIP, and stay tuned to Hit90.9 to win your Greener Pastures tickets! 

If you miss out, tickets go on sale this Thursday at 9am. Make sure you sign up to pre-sale at