Griffith City Council Staff Ditch Razors For Movember

Making a difference

15 November 2018

Amber Lowther

Council employees are ditching their razors this month to raise vital funds & awareness for Movember.

During November each year, Movember sees moustaches of all shapes & sizes come out of the woodwork and grace the faces of men across Australia and the world.   

The month-long campaign is to raise funds & awareness for prostate cancer and male mental health. 



The team at Council hope their Mos will inspire donations, conversations and real change.

Griffith Mayor, Councillor John Dal Broi, said it was wonderful to see staff taking the initiative to help make a difference with fundraising for men’s health.

“I commend those involved and urge the Griffith community to support this worthwhile cause,” Cr Dal Broi said.

“It's great to see employees rally together like this and give back to the community.

“Men don’t always seek medical support and advice when they should. I hope this campaign helps raise awareness and gets people talking about mental and physical health.”


Griffith City Council will be hosting a Mo-ment this Movember on 29 November 2018 at Pioneer Park Museum to encourage work colleagues to donate for this good cause, to educate Council male employees on how to look after themselves and provide information for the female Council employees on how they can help stop men dying too young. Make sure you get around it!