GV Health Has First Positive Corona Virus Case

What you need to know

23 March 2020

Taylah Gray

GV Health has confirmed that a worker coming back from overseas has tested positive to COVID-19. The traveller took the necessary precautionary measures and is remaining in self isolation to recover.

Community members need to remain vigilant and practice good hygiene and social distancing requirements. 

It comes after the State Government announced the closure of all 'non-essential' activity across the state. 

The Federal Government changed the mandatory social distancing rules on Friday, regulating indoor gatherings to less than 100 people where you need to be at least 4 square metres apart. 

Council's Business Continuity Management Team, Pandemic Co-ordination Group and Executive Leadership Team are meeting regularly to review any further Federal and State Government changes. 

Click here for further information regarding COVID-19.

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