Having A Sister Actually Makes You A BETTER Person, So Be Grateful!

Give your sis a call!

26 April 2019

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

Dualstar Productions

If you’ve got a sister, or sisters, then you know how frustrating it can be growing up together. 

You’ll bicker over little things, she will always ‘borrow’ your clothes, and seems to get on your nerves more than anyone else. We love them to bits and their our bestie, but still, they can be a real pain in the ass. 

But there’s some research out there in the big wide world that might make you be a little more grateful for your big or little sis, because it turns out that having a sister has a tonne of benefits and helps us to develop into a better person!

Alex Jensen, assistant professor in the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University, revealed in a 2010 study published in the Journal of Family Psychology that, “They help you develop social skills, like communication, compromise and negotiation.

“Even sibling conflict, if it is minor, can promote healthy development.”

Here’s a run down of some of the benefits we reap from having a sister!

We become more compassionate 

Brigham Young University’s research revealed that having a sister makes us kinder and more giving in the long run, through promoting positive social behaviours with one another - such as love, compassion, and having each other’s backs!

Professor Laura Padilla-Walker explained to ABC News, “Even if there is a little bit of fighting, as long as they have affection, the positive will win out.

“If siblings get in a fight, they have to regulate emotions. That’s an important skill to learn for later in life.”

Our interpersonal and communication skills improve

Author of The Sibling Effect, Jeffrey Kluger, discussed how sisters learn how to handle difficult situations and how to diffuse them from escalating by interacting with “combative” older sisters. On the flip side, younger siblings help us learn to be more empathetic and nurturing.

Jensen revealed to Motherly how brothers who have sisters become better communicators than those without. 

“Some research suggests that having a sibling who is a different gender from you can be a real benefit in adolescence.

“Many of those sibling pairs become closer during the teen years because they become good sources of information about the opposite sex.”

She boosts our mental health

More research from a 2010 Brigham Young University study showed that sisters boost our mental wellbeing and our sense of self. As a result, we feel less lonely and are protected from feelings of guilt, self-consciousness, fear, and feeling unloved. Not only this, but by trying to reach out and keep all the family in contact, they foster our feeling of belonging. 

She helps us become more independent and ambitious

Even though we get a bit competitive with our sisters, it’s not a bad thing! Through pushing one another to do and be better, and experience all life has to offer, we’re encouraged to be independent and chase our dreams. 

Balance is restored

A 2009 British study by Tony Cassidy from the University of Ulster found that sisters help their siblings, male and female alike, to reach an inner calm and peace with oneself, meaning they are better able to cope with pressure and stress in their life. 

They help us achieve a better balance than brothers do

Women’s tendency to communicate openly and express how they feel has a positive effect on our psychological health. We’re taught to be open and value emotional expression, instead of bottling everything up inside. 

Why not give your sister a call to tell her how much you love her? You’re both lucky to have one another!


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Source: HuffPost.