Here Are Some Of The April Fools Day Jokes From Around Australia

Need a break from everything?

1 April 2020

If you need a break from all the Coronavirus news, why not check out some of the 2020 April Fools Day jokes?

While jokes pretending that you have COVID-19 would definitely not be funny today, there were still a few people and brands committed to giving us all a gentle little lol. 


Chobani announced the ultimate protein buster, a tuna flavoured yoghurt!

Krispy Kreme and Chatime

Krispy Kreme and Chatime teamed up to introduce the Pearl Milk Tea doughnut!


Your dog would love a cold refreshing Woofreshing Ale at the end of a long day. There were a lot of cute doggos in this video from BWS. 

Zagame's House

This is possibly the most terrifying scent of all time.

If you're in the mood for some higher learning, are offering a Diploma of Quarantine Survival.

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