Here Is How You Can Up Your Zoom Game And Showcase Our Local Area

Zoom zoom!

30 April 2020

We live in literal paradise so why not rub it into the faces of our colleges and friends and family down south! 

Wet Tropics have released FREE new backgrounds that showcase our amazing local area.

Authority Executive Director Scott Buchanan said the Authority hoped the images would lift people’s spirits and make meetings and conference calls a little more interesting during social isolation.

“These virtual backgrounds can easily be installed for your next online meeting, helping people to enjoy the Wet Tropics for surreal now and reminding them of this precious and unique landscape,” he said.

“Australia has done a great job of flattening the curve to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

“While it has been challenging for people to be stuck at home and in their local community, this series of Wet Tropics images offer everyone a way to still enjoy one of the planet’s most significant, biodiverse places from the comfort of their home office,” he said.

You can download them here.