Houseparty Is The App You Need To Stay Connected With Friends 24/7 During Social Distancing

The way of the future!

24 March 2020

Amber Lowther

If you're finding yourself missing banter with friends & wish you could give them all a BIG VIRTUAL HUG, then you need to download the app taking the world by storm right now: Houseparty.

Houseparty is the easiest way to host a video group chat while we're all home. I know what you're thinking, hoooow is it different from FaceTime? Hear me out plz. 

You can have up to 8 people in one video chat, play games like Trivia, Heads Up, Quick Draw and more, which makes video chat waaay more interesting. Ever tried to play a game on FaceTime? Yeah, that's because you can't. Lel BORING. 

BUT WAIT! The best part is that you can join a friends Houseparty without warning. Say you & a friend are chatting, that means any of your friends or their friends who are online can join any time they feel like it.

SURPRISE, you then have friends of friends in your Houseparty and it becomes the most fun you'll have during social distancing. Especially if you have wine. And plus, you'll be able to connect with new people who you have mutual friends with!

Don't want other people to join your chat? You can also lock your room. Simples! 

Also, adding friends is super easy. You can add them from your Contacts, Facebook, Snapchat & Nearby (you better be stayin' inside tho). You also get a notification when a friend has joined, so you can connect straight away.

THIS IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE, PEOPLE! They were not mucking around with this app & we are #grateful.

Did I mention it's also completely free?! So now you literally have no excuse not to join the exciting virtual conga line that is this app. Just be careful, it's addictive!

Missed the show? Catch up with Carrie & Tommy here: