How A Local Family Paved The Way For Epilepsy Support In Townsville

Hear Naomi and Emmett's story now

25 March 2021

Carley Whittington

March 26 is World Epilepsy Day. 

It's a day to spread awareness, educate yourself, and have conversations about experiences. 

For anyone seeking information Epilepsy Queensland is a world of knowledge, and they can be found online here and can be reached on 1300 852 853.

"Epilepsy is a tendency to have recurring seizures. There are many different types of seizures but they are always due to abnormal electrical activity somewhere in the brain."

A local Townsville family have shared their experience with Carley Whittington on the #ThisIsTownsville podcast. 

Naomi Dollisson and her son Emmett have created a great support community, which didn't exist previously, for Townsville families experiencing Epilepsy. 

The support is never far away for Naomi, with her neighbour also a mother of a child diagnosed with Epilepsy. 

Hear their story now: