How Many Coins Are In Your Car?

Are you a pro coin gatherer?

28 March 2019

Amber Lowther

This morning, JB put a question out to listeners: how many coins are in your car?

You see, we can all be guilty of chucking our spare change in the cup holder or the ol' ash tray...maybe even the glovebox!

Because you never know if you're going to need a soft serve ice-cream or a few spare coins for a sausage roll at the servo.

JB has admitted that as soon as he gathers $5, he's off to could say he's not too good at this.

BUT! It turns out the people of Mt Isa are PROFESSIONALS at gathering coins in their car.


So, JB asked you, how many coins are in YOUR car?!

Missed the chat? Listen to the people of Mt Isa share how much spare moolah they have in  their car: