How To Get The Best Photos At Neck Of The Woods This Weekend

Use our tips!

25 June 2019

Carley Whittington

Image credit: Instagram @neckofthewoodsmusicfest

Townsville's very own music festival, Neck of the Woods is on this weekend in the foothills of the Pinnacles. 

If you haven't grabbed your tickets yet, you can win them with us right here and make sure you have your phone charged because there's A LOT of photo opportunities. 

You may want to just take photos of the acts and that's #AllG but if you want capture the whole experience, use these tips! 


With a long list of entertainment, make sure you get a pic of your favourite acts either from the crowd, or ask someone close by to get a photo of you in the crowd enjoying the moment! 


Before you tuck into the amazing selection of food truck yumminess, grab a snap of your dish and share the love by tagging the business too!


Whether you give yourself the camping or glamping experience, make sure you're awake to see the sun rising through the trees- you'll want to slap that on Insta straight away. 


Yep you can get into child's pose and do the downward dog at Neck of the Woods this weekend. If you're wanting a happy snap while you stretch out, maybe hang at the back of the pack so you're not disrupting the yogies. 


You have the chance to get some huffy puffy done this weekend with a guided hike on Sunday morning of the Pinnacles, the view is going to 10/10 so definitely pop panorama mode on! 


Half the fun of going to a festival is going home with new merch, so be sure to grab a photo in your NOTW gear at the front gate before you head home. 


Yep the Market Place will be there, so treat yo'self girl. A boomerang or video of the pretties will look great on Insta Stories!


Keep the whole fam busy with the art workshops at NOTW this weekend! For that artistic candid pic, just hover around and snap away in the background. 


It's going to be one of those #nofilter moments so don't stress over Valencia or X-Pro II ;)