If You’re Scared Of Gym Staff Judging You For Not Exercising We Have Some Good News

What happens if you stop going?

24 March 2017

Admit it, many of us have signed up for a gym membership with the best of intentions but have eventually given up on our regular workouts.

But do gym staff actually notice if you stop coming to the gym? We asked a gym instructor with over five years experience in the fitness industry for his opinion.

He said that if you attend a large gym and don’t regularly speak to the staff, they probably won’t notice if you stop attending. If you come back after a long gap they likely won’t be aware of your workout habits and really won’t think anything of it. They definitely are not judging you. 

However if you’re someone who likes to make your presence known it is a different story. 

“If we know who you are and you’ve developed a rapport or a friendship then yes, we will probably wonder what happened to you, ” our source said.

“We’ll be happy to see you if you do eventually return but we won’t judge you for not coming in the meantime, we understand life gets in the way.”

And there’s another type of person whose absence might also be noticed.

“If you’ve made a name for yourself through multiple complaints or being rude to staff members they will probably breathe a sigh of relief when you disappear.”

So there you have it. No one is judging you for how often you hit the gym, not even the people who work there!