JCU Student Did Exam In Bridesmaid Dress, Because She Couldn’t Be At Her Best Friend’s Wedding

My heart!!

11 December 2019

Carley Whittington

This is what happens when your best friend’s wedding and your Uni exams clash on the same day…

James Cook University Student Amberlee Hatcher wasn’t donning the usual pluggers and over-sized hoodie at her recent exams, instead she slipped into a Bridesmaid dress, because she was meant to be at her best friend’s wedding.

Five weeks before Ellie and Baz's big day, Amberlee found out that one of her Uni exams was scheduled for the same day, but after lots of negotiating, nothing could be done so on went her blush pink dress! 

Growing up in country Victoria before moving to Townsville for University, Amberlee says she’s known her cousin Ellie ‘basically since the womb’ and describes her as ‘hardworking, honest and kind’, words directly from Amberlee’s speech that she gave via FaceTime at Ellie’s wedding.

Cousins Amberlee and Ellie celebrating the Bride-to-be

The room of guests listened in while the 28-year-old celebrated the friendship they’ve created and added in some cheeky lines too to celebrate Ellie and Baz.

“Ellie, I am honestly so heart broken I couldn’t be there today to watch you marry the love of your life but thank you for giving us single folks out there a glimmer of hope, that finding love on tinder, is possible!!”
