Katy Perry Confirms Australian Bushfire Benefit Concert

Get ready to get your 'roar' on!

2 March 2020

Taylah Gray

It's been confirmed that hit pop sensation, Katy Perry, will be holding an Australian concert to pay tribute to all the firefighters and support victims from the recent Australian bushfires. 

'Fight On' will be held at Pioneer Park Recreation Reserve in Bright, VIC on March 11.

Katy Perry hopes to return the love that Australia has given her, and provide some joy to the country after the devastating effects from the bushfires. 

"I know first hand the devastation of wildfire across my home communities... I was particularly heartbroken by the Australian Bushfires."

- Katy Perry

Tickets to the concert are free, being distributed to emergency services and local residents from fire-affected communities. You can register for additional tickets here.

Listen to Tim and Jess for more information.