KC Responds To Rumours That She Could Be Australia's Next Bachelorette

Drew & KC unpack last night's episode

30 March 2020

Ebony Reeves

Last night, our remaining Married At First Sight couples came together to share their final vows and declare whether they want to continue their relationships outside of the experiment, and it's blatantly obvious producers were ripping off Miranda and Steve's Brooklyn Bridge scene in Sex And The City.

I honestly can't think of a more wonderfully dramatic or healthy way to begin a relationship than by listing all the things you hate about a person before declaring you love them despite all those unattractive qualities, and it's absolutely something I'll be implementing in my own dating life. 

But this morning Drew and KC explained why their vows sounded so contradicting, revealing that they were actually directed to dish out some unpleasantness in the name suspense... 

Drew also told us that he's currently recording a song as a gift for KC. 

It's just one more example of the extremes people are willing to go to escape their self-isolation inflicted boredom; some people start their own Tik Tok career, others find a series to binge watch, and some have been listening to themselves sing in the shower so much that they've actually managed to convince themselves they can sing.

But in all honesty, we can't wait to hear this bop of a song... 

Speaking of self iso, with only 3 more episodes of Married At First Sight to go, we're desperately looking ahead to our next reality series where we can watch other people fall in love while we're stuck at home using Houseparty and dating over FaceTime, and rumour has it we could be seeing a familiar MAFS face in the next Bachelorette season!

KC responded to the rumours and revealed whether she'd consider coming back for round 2... 

Finally, Drew and KC commented on the nature of the show and whether they'll be keeping up with the next season, with each offering an entirely different perspective. 

Drew felt the experiment was too filled with drama and negativity, claiming

"I never watched the show before and I won't be watching it after."

KC, on the other hand, seemed to be all about it. Hear what she had to say... 

Check out the latest MAFS drama below!