Keeshia & Tim Get A Phone Topic From Another Radio Show!

Did your ex get hot?!

4 April 2019

Amber Lowther

Missed the chat? Listen to Bendigo share their hot or not-so-hot ex's here and Keeshia snap up a phoner from Tom & Olly: 

 This morning, Keeshia called one of our fellow Hit Network shows, Tom & Olly, who gave them a topic to chat about on the show! #teamwork

The topic was centered around the fact that Barnaby Joyce's ex-wife has given the biggest "up yours" by losing 15kg and competing in a bodybuilding competition AND winning two medals for it!

So, the topic ended up being: did you ex get hot?

Keeshia & Tim took it to the people of Bendigo to hear your stories and let's just say, while some did...some didn't.