Labor Calls for $300 Vaccine Incentive

A $5 billion idea

2 August 2021

Hit News Team


Every Australian could receive a one-off $300 payment when fully vaccinated against Covid, under a plan being proposed by Labor.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has proposed the incentive to help increase the country's vaccination rate.

He told Nine that the cash incentive could boost our economy which is set to take a hit in September.

“The economy is being predicted to actually go backward in the September quarter, as a result of these lockdowns. It would provide as well, that much-needed economic stimulus act a time where businesses are really struggling.”

Albanese said the large cash splash was a better financial decision than sending states into lockdown.

“If 80% the figure we’re aiming for, was done it would be just under $5 billion, but that’s a small amount compared with the $2 billion a week that these lockdowns are costing our national economy.”

The federal government has not backed the idea, and Finance Minister Simon Birmingham told Nine that there’s no evidence that cash incentives actually work.

“Frankly it’s insulting to the many millions of Australia’s who have already turned out to get a jab, and they’ve done so because they know this is the best way to protect their lives, the lives of their loved ones, and the lives of the rest of the community.”

Australia is currently rolling out 1.2 million doses per week, at this rate the entire population would be vaccinated by January 2022.

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